Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Mother Ocean is Bleeding

I have not posted anything here in a while because there are so many issues on our Planet Earth that I have been overwhelmed by all the information, not to mention being busy by obligations and life. Monsanto is a monster that I have been researching and wanting to blog about for some time, but I can't wrap my hands around it's horns… Yet! So I will focus on something I have always been in love with since the first time that I set my eyes on her many different shades of blue, our Mother Ocean and the Seven Seas.

The Oceans and Seas have been taken for everything that they provide for thousands of years, but just in the past decades, the oceans have been and are continuing to be raped; overfished, over whaled, drilled for oil, and treated as a dumpster. Reefs are dying at an alarming rate, dead zones are growing faster than ever, many sea creatures are becoming endangered more rapidly than any other time in history, etc, etc.. There are so many other issues with what man is doing to the Oceans, but you get the point. It's an ancient story about greed, taking, taking some more, with no thoughts to replenish.

I recently watched and was inspired by the renowned Oceanographer, Explorer, Pioneer and Joan of Arc of the Oceans, Dr. Sylvia Earle's documentary, ~>Mission Blue<~. I was deeply affected by this documentary, especially because I don't live far from the Gulf of Mexico and Dr. Earle was raised diving in the Gulf of Mexico back in the years when it was pristine. I also felt extremely moved by it because I had just moved here less than a month before the worst environmental disaster in American history, which she discusses, the BP Gulf Oil Spill. The image above is a satellite picture of Louisiana's coast dead zone as of 2014, which happens to be 5,052 square miles of dead organisms which used to feed the thousands of species that live in the Gulf. 5,052 square miles…, that is the second largest man caused dead zone in the world.

I don't know if anyone will ever read my blog, but that doesn't matter. Even if only a few people read this, my only wish is that perhaps the reader will learn something that they didn't already know and spread the awareness, because in a country that promotes corporate capitalism and consumerism, with minimal funding to sustainable living, the thing that is the most important is to learn, become proactive, share and spread awareness.

Thank you for taking the time to read.* Please take the time to Click On the links below.

::CLICK HERE:: to learn more about Dr Sylvia Earle's Mission Blue.

::CLICK HERE:: to learn about Restoring the Gulf beyond the Shore.

::CLICK HERE:: for tips on how to find sustainable seafood sources.

::CLICK HERE:: for a list of fish that Women should AVOID.

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