On October 9, 2009 NASA bombed the Moon. The bomb left a five mile long crater on it! It perplexes me that anyone would want to bomb the Moon. Without our lovely Moon we would all be dead, so bombing it, obviously, does not seem to be an intelligent idea. Alright.., so the Moon gets hit by meteors occasionally, but why did NASA feel compelled to blast a rocket the size of a Hummer into it?
According to NASA, their LCROSS (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite) bomb mission "will map possible landing sites and search for water sources that could be used by a future lunar colony.” A future lunar colony? It is already bizarre enough that the uber rich astronaut wannabes have booked $100 million dollar trips to Moon through Virgin Atlantic. Perhaps the bombing yesterday has something to do with this multi million dollar trip to the moon. And why is there going to be a "future lunar colony"? Is our beautiful Earth not enough that people are going to want to live on the rocky barren Moon? So many questions, not enough answers! I feel as if we are being given the run around! Same old story. Tell the people just enough to stir their hunger, but don't give them the mouth full of information. Excite them with vague details, tell them "there is an extraterrestrial base on the dark side of the Moon", and distract them so they don't see underneath the veil of lies and feed them hogwash!
To Read an article by Andrei Codrescu that I am in accord with concerning the LCROSS mission ::CLICK HERE::
To Read the "ET/UFO" on the Moon article ::CLICK HERE::
To Read an literal article on the LCROSS mission ::CLICK HERE::
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