New Orleans is by far one of my favorite cities in the U.S. It is the birth place of Jazz, and not to mention, a melting pot of an exotic cultural stew; African, Caribbean, French, Spanish and good ol' Americana. Louisiana gumbo 4 shore! I have been traveling to New Orleans since before the devastation of Katrina and when the levees broke, so did the heart of millions, amongst the many lives and homes taken by earth's dead man's hand. & I'm not going to attempt to get into the devastation that was created by the lack of instant aid that was received by FEMA... grrrr! But HOPE always remains, and as the NOLA saying goes, "Les Bons Temps Roulé" (the good times will roll). And of course with help and contribution HOPE can make a difference, even three years after the fact. 'Philanthropy Now!'
I feel passionately about this beautiful and haunting city. When I discovered 'Defend New Orleans', a small group of friends who began DNO in 2003, whom make & sell shirts, bags, etc, that aids communities in need, I knew this was one way that I could contribute to the unfortunate people who lost everything and who are still working to build their lives and their hope. It's not helping to build a house in the Ninth Ward, but it's something. Every little bit counts and when added up, those little bits create a home. Please check out their website, & hey, buy a t-shirt!
To help more... CHECK THESE LINKS:
*Common Ground Relief
*Music Rising

Money from the sale of Defend New Orleans merchandise has aided Renew Our Music, New Orleans Musician Fund, Bridge House, Emergency Communities, among others. DNO also throws local fundraising events, so if you happen to visit NOLA, check out their events; DNO EVENTS
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