Wednesday, May 20, 2015


On Tuesday, May 19, 2015, an oil pipeline ruptured north of Santa Barbara, California, spilling over 105,000 gallons of crude oil into the Pacific ocean. Unlike the BP Oil spill in 2010, that leaked millions of gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico, the fractured 'Plains All American Pipeline' was shutoff within three hours after it's rupture. Marine mammals offshore and onshore in the vicinity will suffer, but as the Gulf of Mexico's residents would say, "It could have been worse!"

Yes… Much worse..! This brings to mind the near-future oil drilling expeditions of Royal Dutch Shell's 400 ft tall oil rigs, the Polar Pioneer and the Noble Discoverer, that are docked in the port of Seattle, awaiting their move to the Arctic Ocean, off the coast of Alaska. This area is home to many endangered species which are protected by the 'Endangered Species Act of 1973, (ESA)', which is the strongest and most important federal law protecting imperiled wildlife and plants, including Polar Bears, Arctic Foxes, Arctic Wolves, Narwhals, Beluga Whales and Pacific Salmon. Beyond this list of endangered species, this region of the planet has been melting more rapidly in the last hundred years than in thousands of years, which has resulted in extreme weather patterns that threaten and affect an innumerous amounts of humans. We can blame it on the industrial revolution that gave us planes, trains and automobiles, which created our dependency on fossil fuels, but what do we do now that our needs have fueled our dependency and left our Mother Earth gasping for breath? Do we start riding horses again? Or do we urge corporations to realize that investing in sustainable energy is the 'Future Trend'? Will they listen? Do they even care? Or are they just stubborn children that are still attached to their greedy ambition and industrial aged coal woobies that bring in billions of dollars? Yes. That's reality.

"Backed by a controversial decision by the Obama administration to open waters off the coast of Alaska to oil drilling, Shell plans to use the Puget Sound as a home port as it conducts exploratory oil drilling. Critics of Shell say that the company’s efforts to drill in the Arctic’s icy, dangerous waters will result in a serious oil spill. A recent study released by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management affirms this, saying there is a three in four chance that a major oil spill will occur if oil and gas development takes place in the Arctic." (via TckTckTck.Org).

"Shell must still obtain other permits from state and federal agencies, including one to drill from the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. Both BOEM and BSEE are agencies of the U.S. Department of Interior. The company must also obtain government opinions that find Shell can comply with terms and conditions of the Endangered Species Act." (via To add insult to injury, the U.S. Congress, led by presidential candidate, Senator Rand Paul, are attempting to alter the Endangered Species Act. The timing of all of this is obviously conveniently planned.

"Scientists and environmental groups on Monday attacked the decision and warned that Shell’s “risky and ill-conceived exploration” plan could 'lead to a disaster in the Arctic'. Instead of holding Shell accountable and moving the country towards a sustainable future, our federal regulators are catering to an ill-prepared company in a region that doesn’t tolerate cutting corners,” Tim Donaghy, a senior research specialist at Greenpeace, said. “Shell has a history of dangerous malfunctioning in the Arctic while global scientists agree that Arctic oil must stay in the ground if we’re to avoid catastrophic climate change.”(via

::CLICK HERE:: to urge California Attorney General Kamala Harris and local District Attorney Joyce Dudly to file civil and criminal charges against Plains All American and hold them accountable for the Santa Barbara oil spill!

::CLICK HERE:: to sign and help save the Endangered Species Act.

::CLICK HERE:: to sign and help STOP SHELL from their ominous mission to drill into the Arctic.


::CLICK HERE:: to read an article about how marine life in the Gulf of Mexico is still being affected by the BP Oil Spill of 2010.

Thank you for taking the time to read. Please sign these petitions and help spread the word! Even though the outlook of this drilling project is ominous, together we can all help lead an Environmental Revolution. Knowledge and awareness are powerful. If the French brought down the Bastille and the absolute monarchy in the 18th century, then we can make a difference too! Power of the People! Something just has to give!

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