Thursday, October 9, 2014

Nature is Speaking!!

I am so happy to see this Environmentalist movement that Hollywood celebrities have been embracing and drawing attention to. Not to mention calling out to the greed of the powers that be. The Conservation International (CI) know that the power of celebrity is exactly what it takes to get this important message heard. The majority of people are blinded by what main stream media exposes them to. People become so obsessed with keeping up with the Jone's that they forget to look at the bigger picture; the rapidly declining state of the planet that we are temporarily living on. I am grateful to the people who are successfully reaching out to the masses, right here, right now, because although the Earth will continue to exist, we will not. Our future generations will be the less fortunate by being the victims to what the greed of man has been doing to the Earth and Oceans. Educating our future generations and spreading awareness NOW is the only way for our future to survive. Nature is Speaking! It is time to wake up and listen!

::CLICK HERE:: to learn more about CI and Take Action.

::CLICK HERE:: to watch all the films.

Thank you for taking the time!* 425 344