as found on RiseAbovePlastics.org
"Each year over 500 billion plastic bags are consumed worldwide - only a tiny fraction of which are ever recycled.
What makes these bags such an environmental nightmare?
For starters these bags are made of thin sheets of high density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic. This material makes the bags exceptionally light and exceptionally strong. While these attributes are ideal in terms of this being a distributable product, it also means that these bags can easily be carried off in the wind or flushed down storm drains - in some cases for hundreds of miles. It also means that the bags do not biodegrade - or breakdown into organic compounds within the environment. Instead, these bags go through a process called photodegradation; which means that they break down under the sun's ultraviolet light into smaller and smaller pieces of plastic. These small pieces of plastic remain in the environment, where they pose a threat to animals and birds that often mistake them for food.
While the majority of these bags are given out for free, they are not without their costs."....
"The best way to reduce your plastic footprint is to practice the three 'R's' -Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
When and wherever possible, people should work to reduce the amount of plastic - especially single use of plastic - that they use. This can be as simple as bringing out own re-usable grocery bag with you to the market instead of using those milky white plastic bags that most markets typically use."
Here are 6 easy ways to help reduce your "Plastic Footprint and help keep Plastics out of our Marine Environment":
brought to me and you by RiseAbovePlastic.org
1. Stop using bottled water. I mean really.. in most cases it is not safer or healthier than the water coming out of you tap.. and costs 3 times as much as gasoline and about 1000 times as much as tap water.
2. End the "paper or plastic?" debate once and for all by bringing your own re-usable grocery bags with you whenever you go to the store.
3. Use a refillable dispenser for your hand soap and dishwashing liquid - then buy your soap or detergent in bulk.
4. Stop using plastic sandwich bags. Buy a re-usable sandwich box instead.
5. Bring your own "to-go" mug with you to the coffee shop- it's a great way to reduce the number of paper cups and plastic lids given out.
6. Go digital! No need for plastic CD's and jewel cases when you buy your music and videos online." (also go Paperless online when paying bills)
TO READ MORE about the detrimental effect of PLASTIC !!CLICK HERE!!
TO TAKE ACTION and take a Pledge against Plastic !!::CLICK HERE::!!