"Things that normally happen in geologic time are happening during the span of a human lifetime," says Fagre. "It's like watching the Statue of Liberty melt."
Scientists who assess the planet's health see indisputable evidence that Earth has been getting warmer, in some cases rapidly. Most believe that human activity, in particular the burning of fossil fuels and the resulting buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, have influenced this warming trend. In the past decade scientists have documented record-high average annual surface temperatures and have been observing other signs of change all over the planet: in the distribution of ice, and in the salinity, levels, and temperatures of the oceans." ~Excerpt from the pages of National Geographic Magazine: Written by Daniel Glick
"Marking a watershed moment in history, the 15th Conference of the Parties under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, popularly known as COP15, will convene on 7 December 2009, in Copenhagen, to respond to one of the greatest challenges facing humanity: climate change.
COP 15 offers an unprecedented opportunity to tackle the climate crisis while also catalyzing the lower-carbon, green growth that is the foundation of long-term economic prosperity.
Reaching a deal by the time the COP15 meeting ends on December 18 will depend not only on the political negotiations but also on the public pressure from around the globe. Public support must be galvanized. To do this, the United Nations has launched 'Seal the Deal'." ::Read More About 'Seal the Deal' By CLICKING HERE::
"The ultimate objective of the Convention is the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system."
Please sign the Petition for a Fair Climate Agreement at Copenhagen Conference ::!CLICK HERE!::
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::CLICK HERE:: TO LEARN ABOUT THE BEST WAYS YOU CAN HELP OUT'! (besides Calling your senators & signing the Petition:)
To Read a crucial article, "Climate change threatens life in Shishmaref, Alaska", ::CLICK HERE::