Saturday, March 11, 2023
As it is very well known, witnessed, and experienced, the planet is experiencing an extreme climate crisis. To add salt to the injury, President Joe Biden approved the ConocoPhillips' Willow Oil Drilling Project in Arctic Ocean off Alaskan shores even though he vowed as a part of his presidential campaign to completely end new offshore drilling projects and was in full accord with the Paris Agreement. I am in shock that regardless of everything that the Environmental Protection Agency, environmentalists and past presidents have done to protect not only the Arctic Ocean, but the Indigineous communities that depend on the Arctic and the endangered species that call the Artic their home, it is being completely disregarded by Biden and his administration. The United States was once promising to be a leader of the environmental movement, but this country has sadly degressed and has gone backwards to the Bush Era.
"The proposed Willow Project is the largest oil project proposed on public lands in the country. Located in a remote region of the Western Arctic that has been experiencing dramatic climate change impacts, this project would pave the way for ConocoPhillips to develop a drilling operation aiming to get the around 600 million barrels of oil in the area for decades into the future." (via
Rewinding to 2016 when Biden was Vice President, this is an exerpt from a statement release by the White House Press Secretary concerning oil drilling in the Arctic; "Due to the important, irreplaceable values of its Arctic waters for Indigenous, Alaska Native and local communities’ subsistence and cultures, wildlife and wildlife habitat, and scientific research; the vulnerability of these ecosystems to an oil spill; and the unique logistical, operational, safety, and scientific challenges and risks of oil extraction and spill response in Arctic waters – the United States is designating the vast majority of U.S. waters in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas as indefinitely off limits to offshore oil and gas leasing, and Canada will designate all Arctic Canadian waters as indefinitely off limits to future offshore Arctic oil and gas licensing, to be reviewed every five years through a climate and marine science-based life-cycle assessment."
::CLICK HERE:: to read more from the 2016 White House Press Release.
::CLICK HERE:: to sign the petition to help stop the Willow Project.
::CLICK HERE:: to read an article about how marine life in the Gulf of Mexico is still being affected by the BP Oil Spill of 2010.
::CLICK HERE:: to read an article by Quannah Chasinghorse who is a Han Gwich’in and Sicangu/Oglala Lakota land protector, climate justice activist, and fashion model from Eagle Village, Alaska and the tribes of South Dakota.
Thursday, January 21, 2021
"It's a new day in America!"
"It has been a long, long time since environmentalists in the United States won so much in a single day. Even during the Obama Administration, when we made significant progress, congress held back many opportunities to solve climate change and at times even the executive branch was slow to act. The first time the Keystone XL pipeline was canceled, it was only the result of many grueling years of direct action campaigns. Incremental improvement to the Clean Power Plan came only after the tireless work of advocates, only to be caught up in legal battles and ultimately rendered null under the Trump Administration.
The Trump administration’s policies dealt environmental progress blow after blow, as everything from clean car initiatives to mercury protections to wildlife refuges came under fire. States, nonprofits, and regular citizens fought these rollbacks with energy and not infrequent success, but we can’t deny what these four years of struggle have taken from us. The past four years represent precious time we could have spent reducing emissions and that we’ll never get back. The oil is burned, and with it more planetary heating is now baked-in.
The executive orders are just a start to be sure – we need to go hard and fast on the policy front to prevent catastrophic climate change, but many signs in the new administration are pointing towards hope. Biden’s proposed COVID-relief programs would kick-start the economy by investing heavily in renewable energy, clean infrastructure, and emissions-reducing research and development. Now that Democrats also hold Congress, further climate bills are no longer outside the realm of possibility. Then there’s the environmental track records of Biden’s agency nominations, from Deb Haaland to Jennifer Granholm.
None of yesterday’s wins happened in a vacuum. They’re the result of years of fighting for the integrity of science, smart get-out-the-vote efforts, public pressure campaigns, and boots-on-the-ground protests. They prove that if people who care about protecting the planet speak out, we can win."
To read the full article ::CLICK HERE::
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Trump, you're fired!!
After four years of waking up every single day to a political nightmare and being embarrassed for this country because of the incessant liar that has been polluting the Oval Office and the entire country for four escruciatingly long years with regurgitated tweets, along with a many other reasons, (75 are listed in link below), I am beyond overjoyed that the tyrant has been overthrown by the power of the peoples' right to vote. The majority of Americans have spoken and we said, "ENOUGH!"
Beginning on Jan 20, 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States with Kamala Harris at his side as the first female Vice President in history, making shall I say her-story. The presidential nightmare is almost over and soon this country will recommence it's path toward social, racial and environmental justice. Children will be released from couped up cages and be re-united with their families, the incomplete wall will come down, the USA will rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement, and so much more! I am elated to finally write, "Trump, you're fired, soon!"
To read a list of Trump's polluting ways ::CLICK HERE::
US officially withdraws from Paris Climate Agreement on 11/4/2020 via ABCNews (and will rejoin on 1/21/21:)
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Despite the Arctic Ocean’s unique vulnerabilities, it is still the least protected of all the world’s oceans. Less than 1.5 percent has any form of protected area status. The high seas of the Arctic — which belong to no single nation — are under no form of protection.
A strong Global Ocean Treaty will enable us to finally protect the Arctic Ocean, as part of a network of sanctuaries.
And we aren’t the only ones who want this: a Greenpeace survey revealed that 74 percent of people across 30 different countries support the establishment of a global sanctuary in the international waters around the North Pole. More than 70 percent of those people believed that the Arctic should be free of oil drilling and other heavy industry." (via
To add Your Name to STOP Trump’s Dangerous Arctic Oil Drilling Plans ::CLICK HERE:
What Is the Green New Deal? A Climate Proposal, Explained
Friday, September 20, 2019
"On September 20, three days before the UN Climate Summit in NYC, young people and adults will strike all across the US and world to demand transformative action be taken to address the climate crisis. Millions of us will take the streets to demand a right to a future, and we’re inviting you to #strikewithus
Find a strike near you to attend on September 20 HERE. If you don’t see an event in your area, organize one! We’ll provide everything you need to get started in planning something in your community so no experience is necessary. Whether you’re 7 or 77, you’re invited to join the movement." via (
For more information, please visit
Friday, May 17, 2019
Hey Alabama..! OUR BODY, OUR CHOICE!!
"An organizer with The Yellowhammer Fund in Alabama, which helps people access safe abortions started a petition after our state passed an abortion ban which gives the government control over pregnant people's bodies—even in cases of rape or incest.
As similar extreme bills continue making their way through state legislatures it's vital that we send a clear message to Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. and the other members of the Supreme Court of the United States that we will not tolerate these attacks on our protected human rights.
Alabama's extreme bill gives the state control over pregnant people's bodies and increases the already tremendous barriers that people seeking abortion care in Alabama face in accessing their procedures. Access was already a problem in Alabama which is why the Yellowhammer Fund exists.
The government's control and politicization of our bodies is unacceptable. Families in Alabama, Georgia, Ohio, and communities across the nation are under attack as part of a publicly stated, coordinated effort to have the Supreme Court overturn its own legal precedent set by Roe v. Wade.
This is truly concerning because some members of the Supreme Court are already signaling a willingness to overturn legal precedent on other cases.
People espousing "pro-life" politics frequently talk about how much they love pregnant people and babies. However, their political agenda does not extend to ensuring that pregnancy and birth are safe for pregnant people or that parents, children, and families can access the health care they need to live healthy lives. In Alabama, for example, this means that a large number of pregnant people are going without the prenatal, birth, and postnatal care needed to ensure healthy pregnancies and birth outcomes. Maternal and infant mortality rates are high.
SIGN THE PETITION telling Chief Justice John G. Roberts and the Supreme Court justices to end these extreme policies which deny families the right to determine whether, when, and how to create a family." via
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Airing Tonight: π "Paris to Pittsburgh" π
This documentary is airing just in time for the last day of COP24 in Katowice, Poland, (formally the 24th Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). "The conference aims to create practical rules for nations to implement the Paris Agreement — and to keep global warming “well under” 2 degrees Celsius this century, according to the U.N. conference website."
“The American government may have pulled out of the Paris Agreement, but the American people are committed to its goals and there is nothing Washington can do to stop us.” ~Michael R. Bloomberg, United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action
Starting on December 13, the film will be available for free on digital platforms on National Geographic’s website (, mobile app (Nat Geo TV App), Video On Demand and connected devices (such as Roku, AppleTV). Also starting December 13, the film will be available for one week on National Geographic’s YouTube channel.
To Learn more about the "Paris to Pittsburgh" Documentary and to become Involved ::CLICK HERE::
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Election Day 2018 made HER-STORY! ππΌπΊππΌ

I have not written here in almost a year for a lack of inspiration, disenchantment, political disgust, etc, etc... I could go on with all of the reasons, but all the reasons and frustrations will soon enough be an embarrassing part of HiStory because of yesterday, which was a crucial day! YESterday was an epic day! It was Midterm Election Day, and millions of Americans who have been exhausted by the last 2 years from disappointment and downright disgust from Trump's laughing stock / authoritarian regime, came out to Vote for change. And change is what was delivered and voted for!
"117 women elected! 96 women have been elected to the U.S. House, 12 women to the U.S. Senate and 9 women will serve as governor. The number of women in power has grown steadily, but this year's election, with more than 270 women running for Congress and governor, shattered records.
How many were there before? Prior to this year's election, there were 107 women in Congress – 84 in the House, out of 435 members, and 23 in the Senate, out of 100. Six women were serving as governors, out of 50.
Which party has more women? The majority of women running were Democrats, but both parties aimed to set a new high. 100
Democratic women elected, 17 Republican women elected." (via
In addition to the historical and the much needed feminine wave that swept the election, Republicans have fortunately lost the majority in the House of Representatives. Even though they still have the majority in the Senate, checks and balances will be restored with an even fight that will significantly weaken Trump's unchecked abuse of power. And with what this country has had to endure with the corrupt and power hungry clown posing in the Oval Office, this is only the beginning of his inevitable downfall. It isn't soon enough, but the process will be enjoyable to witness. Hope has returned and thankfully order will eventually be rightfully restored in the United States!!
Friday, November 17, 2017
#Be Kind To Elephants
In 2014, President Obama enforced a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ban of the shipment of elephant trophies from game hunters into the U.S. from Zimbabwe and Zambia. On Nov. 15, 2017 Mr. Donald Trump lifted that ban. Why? Most likely because his elder sons are the type of people who take great pleasure in killing majestic animals, even endangered ones. As the two African countries are claiming that allowing the hunting of these endangered species is regulated to 500 elephants a year in Zimbabwe alone and that it will benefit the revenue of protecting these animals, the corruption within these countries is prevalent and will only see the amount of poaching cases on the rise. Not to mention, in extreme cases that are known to occur, conservationists will also be shot. So.. who does the lifting of this ban really benefit?.. The filthy rich that take pleasure in this horrific and sociopathic sport.
After the illegal killing of Cecil the Lion in 2015, Delta, United, and American Airlines banned the transporting of elephants, buffalo, leopards, lions, and rhinos trophies from Africa, but with this ban lift by Trump's administration, which acts as though he is above the constitution, let's see if these airline bans will hold.
So... what can we do? Below are some petitions that will fight for these amazing and majestic animals that happen to be on the Endangered Species List which Trump obviously cares nothing about.
::CLICK HERE:: to sign an petition that will help urge shut down the largest Ivory Markets in the world. Seems like a "long shot," but it can work!!
::CLICK HERE:: to sign the petition to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and conservation that will help stop the lifted ban of transporting elephant trophy heads back to the U.S.
::CLICK HERE:: to sign the Humane Society of the United States Petition.
Also, as tweeted by Ellen DeGeneres, "Please retweet & use #BeKindToElephants." For everyone who does, she will make a donation to The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, which protects and preserves endangered African species, such as the Elephant and Black Rhino.
Thank you for taking the time and for caring. Eventhough this past year has been utterly heart breaking with all accounts from the attacks that Trump has inflicted on the environment, humanity, endangered species, democracy, the constitution, etc.. there are still many of us who care and believe that fighting the good fight is worth it, because it is worth it! We must #Resist, #StayInformed, and #Fight!
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Paris Climate Agreement
I haven't posted since Mr. Trump became this country's "President" because it has taken a while to allow it to sink in that a corrupt businessman/tyrant has become the President of the USA. Even though I knew that it was inevitable that once he took his position in the Oval Office, he and his pro-fossil fuel businessmen administration were going to attempt to undo many positive environmental and humanitarian causes that this country has been working hard to fight for, the effect of the reality that it has happened so quickly jolted millions of people around the world into a state of shock. After the initial shock subsided, the fight for our Mother Earth and for future generations became more clear and urgent than ever! The only benefit that will result from Trump's thoughtless act will be that it will unite and ignite more environmentally aware government officials around the world to step up and make a stand against the greedy and corrupt businessman who is proving to be the worst President in America's history, and further the fight for future generations and the planet's well being.
Below I have posted Leonardo Dicaprio's message concerning Trump's decision to back out of the Paris Climate Agreement, which inspires like minded people to find ways to resist this tyrannical move against the environment and humanity by acting locally and staying informed.
"Today, the future livability of our planet was threatened by Trump's careless decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement. Our future on this planet is now more at risk than ever before. For Americans and those in the world community looking for strong leadership on climate issues, this action is deeply discouraging. Now, more than ever, we must be determined to solve climate change, and the challenge those leaders who do not believe in scientific facts or empirical truths. It is time for all of us to stand up, organize, fight back, and channel our energy into grassroots political action."
1. Join and follow -> and on Instagram
2. Act Locally Guide at ::CLICK HERE::
3. Resistance Manual: ::CLICK HERE::
4. To Join Stand Up America ::CLICK HERE::
5. To Join "Before The Flood: Fight the Flood" ::CLICK HERE::
6. To add your name to a MoveOn.Org petition that supports the Paris Climate Agreement ::CLICK HERE::
To read and learn about the Paris Climate Agreement ::CLICK HERE::
Thank you for the taking the time and please RESIST!**
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Winter Solstice Victory for the Oceans!

As humanity has had a very hard year that most are happy to see come to an end, on this day marking the longest night of the year environmental scientists, activists, and ocean lovers have something to celebrate. There is a ray of light shining through the darkness!
"President Obama has permanently banned oil and gas drilling in most U.S. Arctic waters and huge portions of the U.S. Atlantic Ocean!" The following is a statement from NRDC president Rhea Suh: “This is a historic victory in our fight to save our Arctic and Atlantic waters, marine life, coastal communities and all they support. “President Obama used a law employed by multiple presidents to establish these essential protections. There has never been a more important time or more fragile ecosystems for this type of presidential action. “Today’s bold bi-lateral announcement between Canada and the United States shows North America is leading the world in preserving the Arctic for future generations. President Obama and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have created an indelible legacy as true stewards of the most fragile and threatened ecosystem in the world, and we urge the other Arctic leaders to follow suit."' (via )
Thank you to President Obama! The fact that he actually listened to the people, believes in climate science, and has the heart to protect the future of the ocean's fragile ecosystem and the environment is a blessing. I am tremendously grateful that at the end of his second term, Obama is protecting the oceans against the greedy oil tycoons and climate change deniers that are soon to be taking over the United States Govt. The future in the next four to eight years in America is uncertain, but as for today... Today is a good day! Happy Winter Solstice!
To read more from NRDC ::CLICK HERE::
Thank you for taking the time! ❤️
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Before the Flood! We Need A Massive Change!
With the severity of environmental issues, from the unsustainable and dangerous practice of mining tar sands, fracking for oil, offshore oil drilling spills, to the destruction of Indonesian rain forests for palm oil, to the rising temperatures and levels of the oceans, which will continue to result in catastrophic super storms and severe flooding, just to name a few, this documentary spells out the ominous reality of our dependency on unsustainable resources, which in turn have been destroying the earth we live on.
So,.. what can we do about our needs that have fueled our dependency on the very things that are ruining the health of the Earth and the future of generations to come? As I've mentioned in my blog before, do we revert to riding horses? What is the solution? Do we urge corporations to realize that investing in sustainable energy is the only choice for a 'Sustainable Future Trend'? Do they even care about the future generations? Or are they just close-minded, stubborn, and greedy businessmen who only care about the demand and supply of resources that bring in billions of dollars? Yes. That is reality. So what can we do on an individual level?.. Purchase wisely. Boycott all processed food products, end or lower your consumption of beef and poultry, and purchase only organic meat and sustainable seafood. Use public transportation, carpool, and/or a bike. Purchase sustainable and recyclable products. Recycle! Be mindful and raise awareness. Together our collective consciousness will benefit our future generations.
Dicaprio's message in the conclusion of this documentary spells out a few of the solutions clearly and concisely. "The only thing that we can do is control what we do next. How we live our lives. What we consume, how we get involved, and how we use our vote to tell our leaders that we know the truth about climate change." ~ Leonardo Dicaprio (UN Messenger of Peace)
To learn more about "Before The Flood" ::CLICK HERE::
To learn about Solutions Project::CLICK HERE:: (not affiliated with the Dicaprio's NG documentary)
Thank you for caring and taking the time*
Monday, June 13, 2016
Gun Control Now!
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
On Tuesday, May 19, 2015, an oil pipeline ruptured north of Santa Barbara, California, spilling over 105,000 gallons of crude oil into the Pacific ocean. Unlike the BP Oil spill in 2010, that leaked millions of gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico, the fractured 'Plains All American Pipeline' was shutoff within three hours after it's rupture. Marine mammals offshore and onshore in the vicinity will suffer, but as the Gulf of Mexico's residents would say, "It could have been worse!"
Yes… Much worse..! This brings to mind the near-future oil drilling expeditions of Royal Dutch Shell's 400 ft tall oil rigs, the Polar Pioneer and the Noble Discoverer, that are docked in the port of Seattle, awaiting their move to the Arctic Ocean, off the coast of Alaska. This area is home to many endangered species which are protected by the 'Endangered Species Act of 1973, (ESA)', which is the strongest and most important federal law protecting imperiled wildlife and plants, including Polar Bears, Arctic Foxes, Arctic Wolves, Narwhals, Beluga Whales and Pacific Salmon. Beyond this list of endangered species, this region of the planet has been melting more rapidly in the last hundred years than in thousands of years, which has resulted in extreme weather patterns that threaten and affect an innumerous amounts of humans. We can blame it on the industrial revolution that gave us planes, trains and automobiles, which created our dependency on fossil fuels, but what do we do now that our needs have fueled our dependency and left our Mother Earth gasping for breath? Do we start riding horses again? Or do we urge corporations to realize that investing in sustainable energy is the 'Future Trend'? Will they listen? Do they even care? Or are they just stubborn children that are still attached to their greedy ambition and industrial aged coal woobies that bring in billions of dollars? Yes. That's reality.
"Backed by a controversial decision by the Obama administration to open waters off the coast of Alaska to oil drilling, Shell plans to use the Puget Sound as a home port as it conducts exploratory oil drilling. Critics of Shell say that the company’s efforts to drill in the Arctic’s icy, dangerous waters will result in a serious oil spill. A recent study released by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management affirms this, saying there is a three in four chance that a major oil spill will occur if oil and gas development takes place in the Arctic." (via TckTckTck.Org).
"Shell must still obtain other permits from state and federal agencies, including one to drill from the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. Both BOEM and BSEE are agencies of the U.S. Department of Interior. The company must also obtain government opinions that find Shell can comply with terms and conditions of the Endangered Species Act." (via To add insult to injury, the U.S. Congress, led by presidential candidate, Senator Rand Paul, are attempting to alter the Endangered Species Act. The timing of all of this is obviously conveniently planned.
"Scientists and environmental groups on Monday attacked the decision and warned that Shell’s “risky and ill-conceived exploration” plan could 'lead to a disaster in the Arctic'. Instead of holding Shell accountable and moving the country towards a sustainable future, our federal regulators are catering to an ill-prepared company in a region that doesn’t tolerate cutting corners,” Tim Donaghy, a senior research specialist at Greenpeace, said. “Shell has a history of dangerous malfunctioning in the Arctic while global scientists agree that Arctic oil must stay in the ground if we’re to avoid catastrophic climate change.”(via
::CLICK HERE:: to urge California Attorney General Kamala Harris and local District Attorney Joyce Dudly to file civil and criminal charges against Plains All American and hold them accountable for the Santa Barbara oil spill!
::CLICK HERE:: to sign and help save the Endangered Species Act.
::CLICK HERE:: to sign and help STOP SHELL from their ominous mission to drill into the Arctic.
::CLICK HERE:: to read an article about how marine life in the Gulf of Mexico is still being affected by the BP Oil Spill of 2010.
Thank you for taking the time to read. Please sign these petitions and help spread the word! Even though the outlook of this drilling project is ominous, together we can all help lead an Environmental Revolution. Knowledge and awareness are powerful. If the French brought down the Bastille and the absolute monarchy in the 18th century, then we can make a difference too! Power of the People! Something just has to give!
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Earth Day is Every Day!
Earth Day comes once a year, but caring for the Earth is an every day responsibility! The Earth does not belong to us. We belong to the Earth! Take care of her. Recycle. Go solar. Start a compost. Grow a garden. Pick up trash on a beach. Volunteer to an environmental cause. Raise awareness. Boycott all GMO foods. Purchase only organic foods and sustainable seafood. Ride your bike to school or work. There are so many ways to live a more sustainable life style. Find a way that is best for you.
As Monsanto and pharmaceutical companies continue to infiltrate our lives in America by making people and keeping people sick, it is important to turn to a holistic and natural way of life. Turn to the Earth. She will always be there for us if we are there for her.
We are living in fragile times. We have to fight for mother Earth. This is an Environmental Revolution! Happy Earth Day!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Nature is Speaking!!
::CLICK HERE:: to learn more about CI and Take Action.
::CLICK HERE:: to watch all the films.
Thank you for taking the time!* 425 344
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Please Help Stop the Dolphin Massacres In Taiji
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Mother Ocean is Bleeding
I have not posted anything here in a while because there are so many issues on our Planet Earth that I have been overwhelmed by all the information, not to mention being busy by obligations and life. Monsanto is a monster that I have been researching and wanting to blog about for some time, but I can't wrap my hands around it's horns… Yet! So I will focus on something I have always been in love with since the first time that I set my eyes on her many different shades of blue, our Mother Ocean and the Seven Seas.
The Oceans and Seas have been taken for everything that they provide for thousands of years, but just in the past decades, the oceans have been and are continuing to be raped; overfished, over whaled, drilled for oil, and treated as a dumpster. Reefs are dying at an alarming rate, dead zones are growing faster than ever, many sea creatures are becoming endangered more rapidly than any other time in history, etc, etc.. There are so many other issues with what man is doing to the Oceans, but you get the point. It's an ancient story about greed, taking, taking some more, with no thoughts to replenish.
I recently watched and was inspired by the renowned Oceanographer, Explorer, Pioneer and Joan of Arc of the Oceans, Dr. Sylvia Earle's documentary, ~>Mission Blue<~. I was deeply affected by this documentary, especially because I don't live far from the Gulf of Mexico and Dr. Earle was raised diving in the Gulf of Mexico back in the years when it was pristine. I also felt extremely moved by it because I had just moved here less than a month before the worst environmental disaster in American history, which she discusses, the BP Gulf Oil Spill. The image above is a satellite picture of Louisiana's coast dead zone as of 2014, which happens to be 5,052 square miles of dead organisms which used to feed the thousands of species that live in the Gulf. 5,052 square miles…, that is the second largest man caused dead zone in the world.
I don't know if anyone will ever read my blog, but that doesn't matter. Even if only a few people read this, my only wish is that perhaps the reader will learn something that they didn't already know and spread the awareness, because in a country that promotes corporate capitalism and consumerism, with minimal funding to sustainable living, the thing that is the most important is to learn, become proactive, share and spread awareness.
Thank you for taking the time to read.* Please take the time to Click On the links below.::CLICK HERE:: to learn more about Dr Sylvia Earle's Mission Blue.
::CLICK HERE:: to learn about Restoring the Gulf beyond the Shore.
::CLICK HERE:: for tips on how to find sustainable seafood sources.
::CLICK HERE:: for a list of fish that Women should AVOID.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Thursday, September 6, 2012
On Tuesday September 4th, I finally had my electricity restored by Entergy LA after not having it since last Tuesday, August 28th. I am relieved to not have to use my candles and flashlights anymore and I am over joyed to be able to turn on the aircon and refill my fridge after having to throw everything besides my supplements out, but I am still upset by the lack of timely response by Entergy, who happens to have the monopoly on power energy in New Orleans. This power outage was the result of Hurricane Isaac, but the amount of time it took Entergy to restore power was not!
Hurricane Isaac hit New Orleans on the same exact day of the anniversary of Katrina 7 years ago, but thankfully as a category 1 hurricane unlike Katrina which was a category 3. Isaac had dissipated by Friday, August 31st. Isaac's winds howled for two days and knocked down trees and power lines, but from what the locals told me, it wasn't as bad as Hurricane Gustav in 2008, which was a category 2, and power was restored much faster after Gustav than Isaac. For some reason Entergy could not precisely explain exactly why it took so long to restore power in New Orleans. There was a small percentage of people who did not lose their electricity at all, but 85% of the city was in the dark for days.
Many people were told to call Entergy and report their power outages, but that proved to be completely useless. Businesses could not open, restaurants lost their food supplies and remained closed. People could not get back to their normal lives even though Isaac had come and gone. Some restaurants and grocery stores gassed up their generators and were able to open for business, but there was still no air conditioning and in this hot and humid subtropical weather, a battery operated fan just doesn't cut it. Businesses lost thousands upon thousands of dollars the days spent without electricity. And with the heat and humidity without aircon, many New Orleanians were going a bit crazy. Tensions were high, people were stressed out and desperate because they had been unable to work because of their jobs not having electricity. Some elderly folks even died due to heatstrokes.
Over 500,000 people were without electricity throughout Louisiana and in New Orleans alone there was almost 70,000 without power while Entergy trucks were lined up and down streets throughout the city, not doing a thing. What really infuriated me more was the fact that Entergy workers that were brought in from surrounding states were partying late in the French Quarter, knowing that they had a huge job to do the next day. This whole situation made me think.. Why does Entergy have the monopoly on power here? And why aren't more people looking to utilize solar power here where we get so much sunshine? Especially since Louisiana has the highest consumer incentives for solar in the nation. Solar energy panels are expensive, but with 80% state and federal tax credits, it really pays off in the long run to not depend on an unreliable energy company that leaves it's customers in the dark for so long without a proper explanation. Experiencing hurricanes is a part of life here in the south, but tolerating an unreliable energy company should not be. Do I sound like a Solar Energy salesperson? Probably, but I'm not.
This past April during a small Earth Day festival, I discovered The Alliance for Affordable Energy, a non-profit organization that promotes sustainable clean energy in New Orleans. I feel that now more than ever is the perfect time to support and promote their mission in New Orleans.
AAE's statement: "The Alliance for Affordable Energy is a non-profit organization which works to create fair, affordale, environmentally responsible energy policy for Louisiana and the nation. The Alliance also works to promote the sustainable rebuilding of our city, promoting energy efficiency, environmentally responsible building techniques and residential solar power. Since 1985, the Alliance has been working as a watchdog agency to help work toward solutions to our energy problems and ensure that information about these problems is accessible to the public."
::CLICK HERE:: to find out more about Alliance for Affordable Energy.
::CLICK HERE:: to learn more about a New Orleans solar power provider.
Thank you for taking the time to read my rant*
Monday, June 21, 2010
Curbside Recycling is BACK New Orleans!

Unfortunately, my birthday was the day after the BP oil rig explosion. Even though I was soon to be devastated by the news of the worst environmental disaster in American history, especially since I had just moved to Louisiana from one of the most environmentally conscious cities in the United States, I was elated that day because I received a recycle bin. It felt like a birthday gift from the city! Curbside recycling had finally come back to New Orleans! It had been since Hurricane Katrina in 2005 that Curbside Recycling had been taken away from NOLA residents. Five years is too long for any city to be without proper recycling abilities. Yes, there was another local business that offered recycling while Curbside was on the city's budget and priority list hiatus, but only for an inconvenient price which did not include recycle bins or a weekly pickup schedule. Twice a month and no bins for the same price as my monthly electrical bill?? Being that I had recently given up my San Francisco status to become a New Orleanian, I could not understand why such a highly touristed American city would go so long without bringing free recycling back.., but I would rather not go on and on with my personal opinion and rant about why it took so long and how necessary it was to be able to recycle for free after this city had been so severely devastated by Mother Nature, so I will focus on the present solution and provide references and links so that New Orleans residents can easily sign up to receive their free bins and get back to making this beautiful gem of a city environmentally conscious. Philanthropy Now!! Not tomorrow!
To learn about Waste and Recycling Facts ::CLICK HERE::
Thank you for your time & Please help spread the word*
Friday, April 30, 2010
BP Gulf Coast Oil Spill: Environmental Disaster!!

On April 20, 2010 a catastrophic environmental disaster occurred. An oil rig that was drilling off the coast of Louisiana exploded, sadly killing 11 men working on it, but the harm done goes much further and deeper than the unfortunate loss of 11 men. Everyday the oil well is leaking nearly 210,000 gallons of crude oil into Gulf Coast waters. The disaster eclipses the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989, which killed over 250,000 Alaskan marine & land animals. Not only is it affecting marine wildlife, it is affecting thousands of people who's livelihoods depend on fishing and shrimping in the Gulf.
"The recent oil spill off the coast of Louisiana has an oil slick circumference estimated at more than 600 square miles, which could take several months and millions of dollars to clean up. It is dangerously close to reaching shore. Countless wildlife species are threatened.
Yet White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said there is no reason to abandon plans to expand offshore drilling.
The spill is an all-around environmental catastrophe, and even Gibbs himself admits that similar incidents are very likely to happen again. All this to tap a source we know is unsustainable.
America cannot succeed with offshore drilling. Besides continuing to deplete a finite resource, drilling is a dangerous and destructive process -- for people, animals, and the environment. Encourage President Obama to reconsider his plans for offshore drilling expansion, and to instead enforce stronger fuel efficiency standards and invest in clean energy sources -- reducing our need for oil in the first place."
To help prevent future offshore drilling ::PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE PETITION::
To Support Audubon Society's Funding for Coastal Louisiana Restoration ::PLEASE CLICK HERE::
To Donate & Help Aid Oil Spill Clean Up ::PLEASE CLICK HERE::
To see a list of the animals endangered by the disaster ::CLICK HERE::
To Volunteer ::PLEASE CLICK HERE::
To read about alternative energy sources other than oil ::CLICK HERE::
As of now, 2013, a few of these links are now inactive, but you can check out some Oil Spill stats here ~> The Top 10 Largest Oil Spill List CLICK HERE